- ᒉᐧᑳᓐ ᒣᓯᓇᑌᒡ
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- ᐋᐦ ᑎᑎᐹᓂᓯᓂᐦᐄᑭᓂᐧᐃᒡᐦ ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ
- ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ (English)
- Parts of speech
- tree
- Credits
- ᐧᐄᒋᐦᐄᐧᐋᐧᐃᓐ
- How to use this dictionary
ᐧᐃᔮᔨᐦᑦᐦ ᒑᒄ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᒑ ᐋᐱᒋᐦᑖᔨᓐ, ᐊᑎᒫᐲᓯᒧᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᓈᔥᑦ ᔖᐧᐃᓅᑖᐅᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ᙮
ᐧᐃᔮᔨᐦᑦᐦ ᐋᐦ ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔥᑖᒡ, roman, French ᑭᔮᐦ ᒫᒃ English.
ᐧᐃᔮᔨᐦᑦᐦ ᒑᐧᑳᓐ ᐧᐋᐦ ᑭᓂᐧᐋᐱᐦᑎᒥᓐ,
ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᒑᐱᔨᐦᑖ ᐊᓐ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐋᑯᐦ ᒑ ᒌᔅᒋᓂᒥᓐ, ᒑ ᓈᓂᑐᐧᐋᔨᐦᒑᒥᑭᐦᒡ ᐊᓐ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐄᔥᑯᑎᒃ ᒫᒃ ᒥᔅᑭᒥᓈ, ᒌᔅᒋᓐᐦ ᐊᓐ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐊᑎᑎᐤ ᐧᐄᐦ ᒋᔅᒑᔨᐦᑎᒥᓈ.
ᒫᓯᓂᐦᐄᒑᐱᔨᐦᑖᔨᓐᐦ ᐄᔨᔨᐅᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ
ᐧᐋᐦ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐋᒥᓐᐦ ᑦᐦ, t-h ᒑ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᒑᐱᔨᐦᑖᔨᓐ
ᐧᐋᐦ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐋᒥᓐᐦ ᔅᐦ, s-h ᒑ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᒑᐱᔨᐦᑖᔨᓐ
ᐧᐋᐦ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐋᒥᓐᐦ ᑉᐦ, p-h ᒑ ᒥᓯᓂᐦᐄᒑᐱᔨᐦᑖᔨᓐ
ᐱᔮᐱᔨᒡᐦ ᐊᔨᒧᐧᐃᓐᐦ, ᒑ ᑖᑭᐦᐊᒥᓐ ᐊᓐ ᐧᐋᒋᐦᒡ ᐊᑎᑎᐤ ᐧᐋᐦ ᓈᓂᑑᒋᔅᒑᔨᐦᑎᒥᓐ᙮
ᐧᐋᐱᐦᑎᒥᓈ ᐋᑳ ᑯᐃᔅᒄ ᐄᒋᔥᑖᒡ, ᑭᔮᐦ ᒫᒃ ᐋᑳ ᐃᐦᑎᑯᐦᒡ, ᒑ ᐧᐄᐦᑎᒧᐧᐃᐧᑖᐤ ᐊᓂᒌ ᐊᐧᐋᓂᒌ ᑳ ᑯᐃᔅᑯᓯᓂᐦᐊᒡ᙮. (ayimuwin@eastcree.org).
Glosses (189)
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ᐧᐃᑎᑖᓯᒄ wititaasikw
tree that has properties that are not good for making implements because it is too hard to carve, is brown in colour and warps when it dries
ᐧᐋᐱᔥᑖᓈᔅᐧᑳᔮᐤ waapishtaanaaskwaayaau
it is an area of trees with long branches, literally 'marten skin'
ᐱᐳᐧᐋᔮᔥᑯᔑᓐ pipuwaayaashkushin
s/he, it (anim) stands partly hidden by trees but still visible
ᐱᓂᐧᐋᔮᐦᑎᑭᐦᐊᒻ piniwaayaahtikiham
s/he chops and spreads branches from a young tree for flooring
ᐱᔅᑯᑎᓂᔅᒋᐧᐹᐤ piskutinischipwaau
it (porcupine) eats all the bark around the bottom of the tree
ᐱᔅᑯᑎᓂᔅᒋᐧᐹᑭᓐ piskutinischipwaakin
a tree where the porcupine has eaten all the bark from the bottom part of the tree
ᐴᔅᒋᓈᐦᑭᐦᑎᒻ puuschinaahkihtim
s/he cuts down and puts up a young tree to mark its position, direction
ᒋᐧᔖᐧᐋᔮᔥᑯᔑᓐ chishwaawaayaashkushin
s/he, it (anim) makes loud noise while walking among trees, bushes
ᐧᒫᔑᐦᐧᑳᑖᑭᓂᐆ mwaashihkwaataakiniuu
it is a tree where the needles are eaten by animals or birds
ᐲᐦᑐᐧᐁᔮᔅᑯᐦᐊᒻ piihtuweyaaskuham
s/he walks along the shore through to the trees, along the river
ᐴᔅᒋᓈᐦᑲᐦᑐᐧᐁᐤ puuschinaahkahtuweu
s/he marks the place with a small tree (ex where meat is buried)
ᐸᐸᓈᐦᑎᑲᐦᐄᒉᐤ papanaahtikahiicheu
it (anim, grouse, partridge) causes the needles to fall to the ground while eating in a conifer tree
ᐸᐹᐦᑐᐧᐁᔮᔥᑯᔥᑲᒻ papaahtuweyaashkushkam
s/he walks to the side of a road, river, close to the trees
ᑌᐦᑌᔅᒋᔅᒄ tehteschiskw
a pine tree with branches only on the upper part, the top, not on the lower part
ᒪᒋᔥᑌᐧᐁᔮᔅᐧᑫᔮᐤ machishteweyaaskweyaau
the trees are standing on the point, it is a treed, forested point of land