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ᒥᔪᑎᐸᐸᔨᔫᑖᐅᒌᔑᑲᓂᐦᑖᐦ ( miyutipapayiyuutaauchiishikanihtaah)
Happy Wedding Anniversary!
ᐁ (e)
whenever (used with conjunct verbs)
ᐁ ᐄᔑ (e iishi)
like, in a certain way (changed form of iishi, used with conjunct verbs)
ᐁ ᐅᔅᒋᐳᐦᒡ (e uschipuhch)
New Year
ᐁ ᓃᐳᑳᐴᓈᓄᐧᐃᐦᒡ (e niipukaapuunaanuwihch)
wedding anniversary
ᐁ ᓃᔓᑳᐴᓈᓄᐧᐃᐦᒡ (e niishukaapuunaanuwihch)
wedding anniversary
ᐁᐃᒥᔅ (eimis)
town of Amos
ᐁᐃᔑᐧᐁᓵ (eishiwesaa)
I wonder
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᐦᑳ (eukwaaniyehkaa)
so there they go (plural anim, said just after someone has left)
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᐦᑳᓈᓂᒡ (eukwaaniyehkaanaanich)
so there s/he goes (plural obv anim, said just after someone has left, used for humans)
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᐦᑳᓈᓐᐦ (eukwaaniyehkaanaanh)
so there the things go (plural obv anim and inan, said just after someone has left, used for humans)
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᓀ (eukwaaniyene)
that's the absent thing, there it goes
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔦᓀᔫ (eukwaaniyeneyuu)
that's the absent thing, away it went (inan obviative)
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔮ (eukwaaniyaa)
so there it goes (said just after something, ex truck, skidoo, has left or something is gone for good)
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔮᐦ (eukwaaniyaah)
so there they go (said just after something, ex dog, children, have left or are gone for good)
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔮᓈ (eukwaaniyaanaa)
so there it goes, dead, lost, gone
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓂᔮᓈᐦ (eukwaaniyaanaah)
so there it goes, dead, lost
ᐁᐅᐧᑳᓈ (eukwaanaa)
that's the absent one, so there s/he goes (plural obv anim, said just after someone has left, used for humans)
ᐁᐅᑯᓂᒡ (eukunich)
they are the ones, these are the ones (see eukun)
ᐁᐅᑯᓐ (eukun)
that's the one, that's it (anim or inan)
ᐁᐅᑯᓐᐦ (eukunh)
these are the things, these are the ones (inan, see eukun)
ᐁᐅᑯᓐᐦ (eukunh)
that's the one, these are the ones (obv anim, see eukun)
ᐁᐅᑯᔫ (eukuyuu)
that's the thing (see eukun)
ᐁᐅᑯᔫᐦ (eukuyuuh)
these are the things, these are the ones (inan, see eukun)
ᐁᐅᑯᔫᐦ (eukuyuuh)
that's the one, these are the ones (obv anim, see eukun)
ᐁᐅᒃᐦ (eukh)
command to tell the leader of the dogteam to go to the right
ᐁᐅᒄ (eukw)
that's it, uh-huh
ᐁᐅᔅᐱᔅᑯᓄᐧᐄᔥᑑᒡ (euspiskunuwiishtuuch)
the back of the beaver house opposite to the door side
ᐁᐦᐁ (ehe)
yes, ok
ᐁᐧᐄᒉ (ewiiche)
it must be him/her/it (anim)
ᐁᐧᐄᒉᓂᐦᐄᐦ (ewiichenihiih)
it must be him/her/them (obv anim, see ewiiche)
ᐁᐧᐄᒉᓂᐦᐄᐦ (ewiichenihiih)
it must be them (inan, see ewiiche)
ᐁᐧᐄᒉᓂᒌ (ewiichenichii)
it must be them (anim, see ewiiche)
ᐁᐧᐄᒉᓂᒡ (ewiichenich)
it must be them (anim, see ewiiche)
ᐁᐧᐄᒉᓐᐦ (ewiichenh)
it must be them (inan, see ewiiche)
ᐁᐧᐄᒉᓐᐦ (ewiichenh)
it must be him/her/them (obv anim, see ewiiche)
ᐁᐱᒥᒋᐦᑕᑳᒡ (epimichihtakaach)
counter, wall
ᐁᑎ (eti)
begin to (changed form of ati, used with conjunct verbs)
ᐁᑎᑐᐧᐄᔥ (etituwiish)
a little bit more (used for comparative)
ᐁᑎᑑ (etituu)
quantity, more (used for comparative)
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᐯᑯᐦᑎᓐ (etichinipekuhtin)
it (ex boat) is floating right side up, on it's back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᐯᑯᒋᓐ (etichinipekuchin)
s/he/it (anim) is floating right side up, on her/his/it's back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᐱᑌᐤ (etichinipiteu)
s/he pulls him/her onto right side up, his/her back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᐱᑕᒻ (etichinipitam)
s/he pulls it right side up, onto its back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᐸᔨᐦᐆ (etichinipayihuu)
s/he/it (anim) turns over right side up, onto her/his/its back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᐸᔫ (etichinipayuu)
s/he falls backwards right side up, on her/his back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᒋᒣᐤ (etichinichimeu)
s/he/it (anim) swims right side up, on her/his/its back
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᓀᐤ (etichinineu)
s/he holds it (anim) front side up, face up
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᓇᒻ (etichininam)
s/he holds it front side up
ᐁᑎᒋᓂᔑᒣᐤ (etichinishimeu)
s/he lays him/her/it (anim) down right side up